Friday, March 27, 2009

NH Legalizing Same-Condiment Marriage

Or so state Rep. John Cebrowski has it:
"Creamy peanut butter and crunchy peanut butter can't be a peanut butter and jelly," said Rep. John Cebrowski, R-Bedford.
I think that means he opposed the bill. Nevertheless, the state House voted 186-179 yesterday to permit creamy and crunchy peanut butters to marry one another. Vermont is also close to legalizing these sticky, chewy unions, though Republican Governor Jim Douglas says he'll veto the legislation, apparently out of concern for the risk of salmonella.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What I have in mind is marriage equality from the Delaware River to the North Pole. Canada, Ct. and Mass are there. NY recognized out-of-state marriages, though Albany remains wrapped up in some Dems' issues. NJ has a case in the courts.

I understand Vermont is a formality, because they have the votes to defeat any veto. NH, though, faces a real veto threat from Lynch. So NH, RI, and Maine remain the impediments to a solid strip at the top of the Eastern Seaboard.